"But, the greatest decision of all time, as far as any American citizen is concerned, was reached in Philadelphia, July 4, 1776, when fifty-six men signed their names to a document, which they well knew would bring freedom to all Americans, or leave every one of the fifty-six hanging from a gallows! " Napoleon Hill
Chapter 8 Think & Grow Rich
The 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence.
This country was founded on courage and risk. The desision to become an entrepreneur also takes courage and risk, but none so great as our Founding Fathers.
Thank you for paving the way.
Truly inspiring. Thanks for posting that. I want to become an entrepreneur and start off with buying a small business. I know it will be tough, but I'm sure it'll be very rewarding. I'm looking forward to it. I've been reading up on everything, but I haven't been able to find any potential businesses. Any suggestions where to go? Thanks.
Hello Harold, thanks for stopping by our blog.
There are many ways to start a business. If you are interested in purchasing a business one option would be to contact a business broker. Another would be to network with business owners in your community. But before you do any of those things have you thought about what type of business you would want to run? Second, what are the pros and cons to buying versus starting your own?
Thanks for your advice. I've looked into brokers, but I'd rather try it out myself first before I pay for someone to do it for me. I'm not looking for only businesses posted by the owner and not brokers. I just figure I shouldn't hire my own just yet.
I find buying a business more reasonable than starting one because unless the store is going under, there's a client base and capital. I'm looking into a coffee shop. I did more research yesterday night and found some opportunities on this site called BizTrader.com. I was looking to buy a business, and I was already able to inquire on some. It's great.
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