Friday, August 22, 2008

Keiserism of the Day

Planning a business is very much like planning a road trip without a map resources and working tools it makes it difficult to reach your destination.


Trip to Boston (Hartford CT - Boston MA)

Person 1 we will call her Doris: Doris Decides she is going to Boston, immediately jumps in the car and starts to drive. Twenty minutes into the drive she runs out of fuel and has to wait for AAA to help her. After that ordeal she realizes she is hungry and has to stop for food. Two hours into the trip Doris realizes that she doesn't know where Boston is but knows that she will get there eventually. Four hours later realizes she is in New Jersey, asks for directions, stops for fuel, gets another bite to eat and arrives in Boston many hours later.

Person 2 we will call him Alfred: Alfred decides he wants to go to Boston. He sits down calls his sister to let her know he is coming. Before his journey he prepares a list of things to do.

  1. Purchase a GPS
  2. Visit Jane the mechanic to check his car
  3. Get Gas
  4. Go to ATM
  5. Get food for trip
  6. Buy sister a gift
  7. Clean out refrigerator
  8. Unplug appliances
  9. Wash clothes
  10. Shut off Water
  11. Notify the Mailman

By the time he has finished his to do list, Alfred realizes he is too tired calls his sister to let her know he will be there tomorrow. He is so exausted from the day before he oversleeps, and by the time he is ready it is once again too late to travel. Three days later he arrives at his sisters place only to turn around and go home, he used up his vacation days and must return to work in the morning.

Person 3 we will call her Mildred: Mildred wakes up decides she wants to go to Boston. She makes hotel arrangements with Expedia, packs a bag, and gets directions. She hops in the car, makes 2 stops the gas station, and the grocery store to get some food for her trip. Two hours later she is at her hotel talking with the consierge about things to do and where to get dinner.

Mildred will have the most productive trip of the three. She made a decision, put a plan together, took action, and then modified the plan when she arrived. Planning too much or lacking a plan in any situation can be detrimental to the success of your journey.

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